6 Ways To Impress At A Job Interview

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You know the importance of a first impression, but how many times have you walked into an interview unprepared? You may not want to admit it, but I bet the answer is “all too often.” Even if you’re not interviewing for your dream job, every time you go on an interview is an opportunity to make a good impression.

Here are seven ways to impress at your next interview and get the job:

1. Prepare for the types of questions you’re likely to be asked.

The first step is to do your research. It’s important that you know the types of questions you’re likely to be asked, so make sure you read the job description carefully and make a list of the things that are important for this role. For example, if there are certain skills listed as essential (such as Excel or PowerPoint), then it’s a good idea to practise them before the interview.

If you can’t find anything specific about what types of questions they’ll ask at interviews with this company, then have a look around their website and social media pages. This will help with researching what sort of culture they have too – something else interviewers look at when assessing whether candidates would be good fits for their organisation!

When doing this research about the company itself, try not just focusing on their products or services – also look at how successful they’ve been historically in terms of growth (or decline) over time; who owns them now; how many employees there are etc.

2. Don’t lie during your interview.

]Don’t embellish your qualifications, experience, salary expectations or willingness to relocate. It’s not worth it—and once caught, trust takes a much longer time than trustworthiness does to rebuild.

3. Turn up prepared with plenty of copies of your resume and any other required documents.

It’s important to turn up prepared for your interview, as it shows that you have taken the time and care to prepare for it. If a prospective employer asks for something specific, such as documents relating to your current or previous roles or qualifications, then make sure that you have them before the interview begins.

In addition to bringing copies of your resume and any other required documents, it is also recommended that you bring along a pen and notebook as well as a copy of the job description so you can refer to it during the interview.

4. Dress appropriately.

It’s important to dress for the job you want, not the one you have. If you’re unsure what to wear, opt for business casual.

5. Show interest but don’t fawn over the interviewer.

A job interview is an opportunity for you to show the interviewer that you’re a good fit for their company. You don’t want to come across as too eager, but you also don’t want to be too disinterested. A good way to strike this balance is by showing genuine interest in the interviewer’s needs without being overly obsequious.

Be sincere and enthusiastic about the position and company—but don’t overdo it. If someone asks if you have any questions at the end of their presentation, ask a thoughtful question that shows interest in them while still addressing what they’ve said: “I’m curious how long it will take me to get up-to-speed on this software.” This shows not only that you’re interested in learning more about their product, but also gives them an opportunity to answer any questions about training programs or other aspects of working for them before making a final decision about hiring based on whether or not these factors are important enough for your needs/dreams/career aspirations/etc.

6. It’s all about body language.

It’s important to make sure that your body language conveys confidence: stand up straight (or sit up tall), keep eye contact with whoever is talking/asking questions when appropriate but also look away every once in a while and sit your body towards the interviewer with your arms uncrossed.

We hope that these tips will help you go into your next interview feeling confident and prepared. The most important thing is to be yourself – there are no right or wrong answers, and employers want to hire someone who fits with the company culture. So just relax, smile, and answer their questions honestly!

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